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Trademarks encompass, for our clients, all the work, effort, and dedication behind the products or services they offer. Trademarks are the keepers of a good reputation in the market, and thus, its protection is essential to enable their exclusive and excluding use in accordance with the rights provided by law to their owners.
We handle trademark registrations, with prompt search reports, to help our clients choose the best option for protection. At the same time, we advise and warn them regarding the risks involved in the registration process.
As part of our assistance, we offer trademark defense services in lawsuits and our attorneys are specialized in the protection of trademarks in all kinds of litigations that may affect them. In addition, we use technologies that allow us to offer a surveillance service during the validity term of the registration. Such service consists of notices warning about any registration attempt by third parties (either of trademark or domain name) that may affect our clients’ trademark rights, and notices warning about the expiration dates of their registered trademarks, so that they can be renewed timely and without risks.
We know how important it is to preserve and maintain a business, and we strive to provide it with the best protection.
We know the huge investment in time, dedication and resources involved in the protection of invention patents. Therefore, we put forth our best effort to make this procedure quick and simple for our clients, both in time and expenses.
We assist in the processing and obtaining of registrations for invention patents, utility models and industrial drawing and designs, with highly qualified professionals and technical staff, thus providing integral consulting including not only legal advice, but also a scientific and technical approach on the protection of all kinds of inventions.
We are at the vanguard of consulting in the protection of new inventions.
We provide assistance in the preparation of all the documentation needed to successfully apply for the registration of an invention patent, utility model, industrial design or drawing, helping our clients in the composition of the specification, claims and technical drawings needed to face a patent registration process not only through an international patent application in accordance with the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), but also its extension to the national phases both in Chie and abroad.
By doing so, we develop a patent registration strategy that allows our clients to transfer their technology safely and successfully to other markets.
We have pioneered in creating a section of professionals highly specialized in the filing and prosecution of legal actions intended to quash and punish the violation of our clients’ industrial and intellectual property rights.
We assist them, in each case, in initiating civil and/or criminal actions, and we have a team of professionals that can act on their behalf anywhere in the country, through our network of associates covering the whole national territory.
Copyright protects literary, artistic, and scientific works, as well as computer software. Our team has the experience and knowledge needed to ensure the best protection for our client’s rights as authors.
We represent artists, creators, producers and large companies, whose creativity has compelled us to be innovative and recommend the most efficient means for the protection of their rights.
We have broad experience in the signing of license contracts, considering the new contractual methods. We also have attorneys specialized in the prosecution of criminal actions related to copyright infringement.
In a country like Chile, where the agricultural industry is one of the most relevant productive sources, the registration of varieties is very important, since it protects this kind of innovation.
Thus, we have specialized in the obtention of those registrations, which entails a special procedure before the Agricultural and Livestock Service (SAG), under the Ministry of Agriculture.
We perform surveillance and registration services related to domain names .cl, .com, and any other extension, participating in processes of dispute resolution when conflicts with third parties arise.
Since unfair competition is punished in our country, cases have become more and more complex, and we know that owners and creators need to commercialize their goods imperatively.
We have a team of professionals highly experienced in unfair competition trials.
Our firm is always up to date in contractual matters. We have a team specialized in the writing and preparation of contracts related to the layout, registration, or recognition of intellectual and industrial property rights.
We make license, know-how, and distribution agreements, besides contracts related to industrial and intellectual property.
We also provide integral consulting on trade secret and technology protection, assisting in the writing and negotiation of contracts that imply an inventive activity on the part of company workers and executives.
To be able to trade pharmaceutical and cosmetic products in our country, you must have a sanitary registration that is processed at the Public Health Institute.
At Beuchat, Barros & Pfenniger, we handle the processing and obtaining of said registrations and, in the case of foreign clients who cannot obtain them in their name, we offer supplementary advice to write contracts and agreements that ensure their rights are protected.
As part of our continuous improvement approach, we also added a service of appraisal for patent intangible assets, which allows the valuation, in the most objective possible way, of the benefit of filing a patent application in different markets, both locally and internationally.
For this purpose, we evaluate the strengths, opportunities, weaknesses, and threats of an innovation, which entails carrying out studies to find the commercial profit of an invention, based on the needs of the market, and determining the real chances of obtaining a patent registration.
When layout topographies or integrated circuits have an electronic function and their elements and interconnections are part of a material surface, their registration is a form of protection.
Thus, we have a technical team trained to assist in the preparation of the technical information that informs of the circuit operation.